Welcome to Ms. Lara Counseling Office

SLA is a Zone of Choice School. Which means you get to research and pick which High School best fits your academic, social emotional and goal setting needs. SLA will take care of all the paperwork and you will get all the benefits of going to the local high school of your choice. What school will you choose:
- Academy of Scientific Exploration (Pilot School) http://explorease.org
- Social Justice Humanitas Academy (Pilot School) http://www.sjhumanitas.org
- Technology Preparatory Academy (Small School) http://tpa-lausd-ca.schoolloop.com/
San Fernando High School
11133 O’Melveny Avenue, San Fernando, CA 91340 https://www.sanfernandohs.com
- Humanitas Futures Academy – 9th Grade
- Health Occupations Career Academy – 10th-12th Grade
- Engineering and Design Academy– 10th-12th Grade
- Puente – 9th-12th Grade
- Dual Language Academy – 9th-12th Grade
- Culinary Cohort – 10th-12th Grade
- Academy of College and Career Readiness (ACCR) – 9th Grade
- Leadership, Arts and Media Academy – (LAMA) - 10th-12th Grade
- Business,Technology & Design – (BTD) - 10th-12th Grade
OCT. 1- NOV. 15, 2024
At SLA we are proud to be a Leader in Me Lighthouse School which means we have been recognized in meeting the high standards of excellence to help create well-rounded learners by developing the whole-person and preparing students to become life-ready leaders. Our school culture is based on Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
SLA is proud to be a Common Sense School which means we have been recognized for our school's commitment to deep implementation of the Common Sense Digital Citizenship Curriculum. Earning the Common Sense School badge is a symbol of our school's dedication to helping students think critically and use technology responsibility to learn, create and participate.
At SLA we are committed leaders to the safety of all learners on line. Join us as we look out for each other, make responsible choices when we post and connect with others and participate in respectful virtual learning at all times.