SLA Library

Visit our library to check out new books for the new year!


Dewey Decimal Chart


Want to Know What You Have Checked Out?

You can access your library record via Schoology. Follow the steps here:

Do you have a library card? 

Little Free Libraries

Looking for some new reading material? The next time you take a walk in your neighborhood, keep your eyes open for Little Free Libraries. You can borrow and book and return it, or donate your own gently used books. This is a great way for neighbors to exchange books.
Take Our Library Survey
Click the following link to begin the library survey
  • Polyester, clear, non-acidic book repair tape
  • Book cleaning supplies
  • 2 Gallon Ziploc bags
  • Craft materials and construction sets for Make-it Mondays
  • New children's magazines
Wordy Wednesdays
We instituted Wordy Wednesdays as a way to improve student vocabulary and spelling. Multiple Scrabble and Boggle games are available. Additional word-related games are placed in rotation, such as a sight word swat game played with compact discs.
Some students find word games on the computers at and other educational websites.
A favorite activity for elementary and middle school students alike involves searching for words within a word or phrase. They synergize to find words and write them on a whiteboard.
The Wednesday activities join Make-it Mondays and Typing Tuesdays as a way to focus library enthusiasm!

Suggested Reading

If you're comfortable reading chapter books, look for Newbery Award-winning books. The Newbery Medal is awarded each year by the Association for Library Service to Children. It is given to the author who has made the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children that year. You know it will be a great story!

Book Care

Our library books are valuable resources that will be used for years to come by the students and staff of Sylmar Leadership Academy. The replacement value of damaged or lost books can be $25 or more. There are some simple ways to care for your books. Only handle books with clean hands. Books should be kept away from any food or liquid. Even water can be damaging. If books are taken home they should be transported in a clean backpack or plastic bag. Don't drop your backpack on the ground as this can result in damaged books.
At home, library materials should be kept away from pets and young siblings or visitors. It's fine to read to these younger children, as long as you are handling the book. Also, it's never a good idea to trade books with friends. If a friend damages a book, the person who checked it out is still responsible for paying the replacement cost. Carry books by hugging them/holding them close to your body.
When replacing library books back on the shelves, make a space with your hands first so you don't jam them onto another book. Don't read with a pencil or pen in your hand as this may mark the pages. Use a bookmark to mark your page instead of folding the page. Turn pages carefully from the corners to avoid rips. By following these tips we can keep our collection in great shape for future Stallions!

Destiny online catalog

Did you know that you can access our library’s online catalog from any internet accessible computer? To search for materials in our library, go to Destiny online catalog

Where to Find Your Library Book

  • In your desk
  • In another student's desk
  • In your backpack or old backpack
  • In your locker
  • In the classroom library
  • At the public library
  • In a box your mom packed
  • In your family's car (check under seats and in pockets)
  • At your grandmother's or cousin's house
  • In your parents' bedroom
  • In your closet
  • Under your bed
  • On top of some tall furniture in your home
  • Behind some furniture in your home
Inspiration Station

Create a Habit of Reading

"Better to lose a book than lose a reader." - unknown author
"You'll never be bored with a good book at hand" - Mrs. Dosaj
Thrilling adventures, chilling tales of horror, puzzling mysteries, poignant stories of love or loss, laugh out loud books, fascinating factual accounts - find the right book for you!

Readers are Leaders

What have you read lately?

Ready for Reading - Here are some hints to help you become a better reader. 

  • Set aside 20 minutes each day for reading. If you're not a regular reader you can start with 10 minutes and work up to longer reading times. Choose a favorite time to read. It might be before school, after homework, or right before bed.
  • Find a comfortable place to read. Maybe you have a favorite chair or enjoy reading in bed. Maybe you've built a secret fort.
  • Put up the "do not disturb" sign, literally or figuratively. Ask your siblings not to bother you while you're reading. Close your bedroom door and turn off any distracting devices.
  • Make sure you have enough lighting: natural light, a lamp, even a flashlight will help.
  • Whatever you read, make it a habit to read something every day!

Library Blog

Parents, are you worried that your child is not reading? Here are a few tips to encourage the reading habit: 
Read aloud to your child - picture books, chapter books, signs, menus, labels, recipes, any reading material you come across.
Talk about the illustrations in a book and discuss the story. 
Make sure your child sees you reading a variety of materials (books, magazines, newspapers) and not just looking at your phone.
Sing to your child, and let your child hear rhymes, chants, and poetry.
Try audio-books or story time videos. 
Play word games like Scrabble, Boggle, crossword puzzles, etc. There are also many word games online.
Meet Someone New

Students seeking books about famous people (past or present) can browse the biography section, call number 921. Look under the person's last name. For example, if you are looking for a book about Lionel Messi, go to 921 Mes. If you are unable to find a book about your chosen/assigned person, please put your request on our ongoing wish list. You can also find information in our reference section in an encyclopedia, or search SORA (via Schoology).

Learn How to Place a Hold on a Book

There are two ways to place a hold on a library book in our collection. You can use the classic Destiny program or access Destiny Discover. First, search the catalog. Choose no more than two books to place on hold. Note - You may receive a message saying your selections are available for immediate pick up. Disregard the pop up and wait for directions via your Schoology account. The following are some "how-to" tutorials.

Can't Find Your Public Library Card?

Students are now automatically assigned a Student Success Card number by the Los Angeles Public Library. In Schoology, click the drop down arrow next to your name, then click "Your Profile." Go to the left margin list and choose "Student Success Card." Your card number and PIN should appear. 
Sylmar Leadership Academy Library

Our goal is to provide a quality collection of library materials for the entire Leadership Academy community: students, staff and parents. We hope to instill a lifelong love of reading and an appreciation of books.


Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM


Who may borrow books: Students with signed permission slips on file may take books home. Staff and parents may also check out books.


Visiting the Library: Teachers who do not have a regular time slot may sign up for library visits as needed. There is usually a short lesson or story before students check out books. Students, parents and staff may also visit whenever the librarian is available and there is no class scheduled. Note - Student visits should not be a substitute for class visits. These students do not benefit from library lessons.


Length of loan: Library materials are due in two weeks. Reference materials may be loaned for the day.


How many items may be borrowed: One or two items per pupil, depending on teacher requirements; five per parent. Teachers may borrow library materials corresponding to their class size.


Renewal policy: Return borrowed materials to library to renew up to two times. Note - If another person wishes to borrow a library book you've checked out, please return the book to the library first so our records can be updated.


Holds: A book may be placed on hold for up to one week.


Returning Books: Librarian and trained volunteers only will return books to shelves. Return library materials to circulation desk, or place in library box in office.


Lost or damaged books: Borrower must pay for replacement or replace exact title and may have library privileges restricted. In cases of financial hardship, other arrangements can be made.


Late books: Patrons are encouraged to return books promptly so others can enjoy them.


Services: Let us know if you have special requests or need certain books for a thematic unit. Books can be reserved or delivered to teachers. Specific library lessons can be arranged according to your needs.


Educational Games: These are available for use in the library or may be checked out to a class. Students must clean up the games after use. They are not to be used during class visits.


Computers: Students who are visiting without their class may check out a computer with an ID card. Computers are available to search the online catalog, do homework and to do research or other school-related projects. Educational games and typing programs may be available. Please use home computers for any non-educational games.


General Guidelines: Please, no food, drinks, gum, cell phones or other handheld devices. Return furniture to original positions. Place any trash in trash cans. Remain calm, quiet and courteous so everyone can enjoy the library!


Building Partnerships
working with other librarians

Over the years we have kept in touch with the Sylmar Public Library. We have posted and passed out information about events and opportunities. We retrieve SLA books from the public library.  We also encourage our students to use the Sylmar branch library for homework help, printing and summer reading challenges. 


Library Blog

Are you over-scheduled? Set aside some free time to read. Grab a book, magazine, newspaper or comic and take some time to relax. The more you read, the more your reading skills will improve. Your vocabulary and attention span will increase as well. You may learn something new, exercise your imagination or discover a new interest. Plus, people who read literary fiction have been shown to have more empathy!

Readers are Leaders
Leaders are Readers