Technology by Ms.Muniz

Ms.Muniz has/is taught/teaches the following classes.

What is CTE?


Career Technical Education will be the primary purpose of the California K-16 education system by promoting the state's economic development and providing students with the world-class knowledge and skill necessary to become successful and contributing members of society.

Career Technical Education will engage every student in high-quality educational programs developed in partnership with business and industry.  It will promote creativity and innovation and allow all students to turn their passion into a paycheck.



The mission of California's Career Technical Education system is to provide industry-linked programs and services that enable all individuals to reach their career goals to achieve a high-quality lifestyle, be competitive in the global marketplace, and sustain California's economic dominance.

Ms. Muniz's pathway is Information and Communications Technologies. The focus pathway is Software and Systems Development.

Students in the Software and Systems Development pathway prepare for careers in computer science that involve designing, developing, implementing, maintaining, and managing systems that rely on software programs to satisfy the operational needs of modern business organizations. Persons with systems development and programming expertise are critical to support operations like electronic commerce, medical records management, retail sales and inventory management, digital entertainment, and energy use.

Sample occupations associated with this pathway:

California Standards

Click the picture to see pathway standards. 

Career Guide - English

Guia de Carrera