CTE Department » Engineering Design Pathway

Engineering Design Pathway

Welcome to the Career Technical Education (CTE) Department at Sylmar Leadership Academy! We are excited to offer a variety of Project Lead the Way (PLTW) courses that prepare students for careers in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM). Our courses are designed to engage students in hands-on learning experiences that develop critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Explore the courses we offer below:
 Science of Technology: This course introduces students to the world of technology and its impact on society. Students explore topics such as Nano Technology, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, and emerging technologies, gaining a deeper understanding of how technology shapes our world.
Design and Modeling: In this course, students learn the fundamentals of design and modeling, using 3D software to create 3D models of objects and products. They also explore the design process, from brainstorming ideas to creating prototypes.
Energy and the Environment: This course focuses on the importance of sustainable energy and environmental practices. Students learn about renewable energy sources, energy conservation, and environmental stewardship, preparing them to address global energy challenges.
Green Architecture: In this new course, students explore the principles of sustainable design and green building practices. They learn how to design energy-efficient buildings that minimize environmental impact, preparing them for careers in architecture and construction.
These PLTW courses provide students with valuable skills and knowledge that are in high demand in today's workforce. Whether students are interested in pursuing a career in STEAM or simply want to explore new interests, our CTE department is committed to providing a supportive and engaging learning environment. We look forward to helping students discover their passions and achieve their goals!